PRIMEX President and CEO, Elvira C. Ablaza, participated at the Inception Workshop of the ADB Technical Assistance for Support to the Viet Nam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS)–Recruitment of Consulting Firm for Development of Research Capacity and Improvement of Knowledge…
PRIMEX CEO confident that benefits from RETA 7813 will be sustained after project closing
PRIMEX President and CEO and RETA 7813 Project Director, Ms. Elvira C. Ablaza, expressed her gratitude to the development partners, the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI ) Regional Secretariat, and the local governments and community partners of the project who joined the closing…
PRIMEX Assistant Manager awarded as Distinguished Alumna by the College of Dev Com in UP Los Baños
The College of Development Communication (CDC), University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB), awarded PRIMEX Assistant Manager for Operations, Ms. Lourdes Margarita A. Caballero, as one of the five distinguished alumnus for 2016. Ms. Caballero was recognized for her contribution…
Coral Triangle Initiative-Southeast Asia launches storybook to protect the environment
PRIMEX shoots video in Gen San for USAID Legacy project
The PRIMEX Legacy Project Team conducted an on-site video shoot of USAID projects in General Santos City and South Cotabato on 24-29 August 2016. The video coverage is the first of a series of location shoots scheduled in the month…