PRIMEX was awarded the contract to conduct the Mid-term Performance Evaluation (MTPE) of the Sustainable Ecosystems Advanced (SEA) Project funded by USAID in Indonesia.
The evaluation aims to determine the extent by which the project has achieved selected mid-term results (policies/regulations, training, livelihoods, and marine tenure) and identify the facilitating conditions which led to these results. The MTPE started in September 2019 and is expected to end in July 2020.
The SEA Project was designed to effectively address these threats and improve the management of fisheries resources and marine biodiversity. It aims to support the Government of Indonesia, through the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) to improve the governance of fisheries and marine resources and conserve biological diversity. The project is being implemented over a five-year period, from March 2016 to March 2021.
PRIMEX mobilized four consultants to conduct the evaluation. They include Mr. Geronimo Silvestre (Team Leader/Marine Conservation Specialist and Sustainable Fisheries Specialist), Mr. Luis Eleazar (Senior Evaluation Specialist), Dr. Imelda Pagtolun-an (Senior Survey Specialist/Statistician), Dr. Gusti Ayu Anggara Kasih (National Evaluation Specialist), and Dr. Purwito Martosubroto (National Fisheries Expert).
“PRIMEX has a solid track record in working in Indonesia, mostly in fisheries and natural resource management projects, and has undertaken several project evaluations for USAID. These evaluation assignments include the Midterm and Final Performance Evaluation of the Biodiversity and Watersheds Improved for Stronger Economy and Ecosystem Resilience (B+WISER) Project in the Philippines. We are confident that we will be able to deliver quality outputs that meet USAID’s expectations.”
Leo Pura, PRIMEX Vice President for Technical Services
cover photo: Dr. Imelda Pagtolun-an conducts key informant interviews with SEA Project’s Regional Technical Director.