PRIMEX has added another feather to its cap with the recent signing of the consulting services contract for the Transaction Technical Assistance (TRTA) for the Irrigated Agriculture Improvement Project (TA 9349-CAM) in Cambodia. The contract was awarded by ADB to PRIMEX in association with Sheladia Associates (USA) and CamConsult (Cambodia) on 19 September 2017.
The TRTA will conduct feasibility studies and prepare detailed engineering designs for five to six irrigation subprojects with a combined total area of 40,000 hectares in three to four (out of seven) provinces in Cambodia. The TRTA will run from September 2017 to September 2018. The ensuing investment project worth $100 million will enhance water and agriculture productivity through increased efficiency and climate resilience of irrigation systems and improved water resource management in the selected provinces in Cambodia.
PRIMEX mobilized its Team Leader/Water Resources Specialist, Dr. Jan Gerards, on 25 September 2017. Dr. Gerards, a senior water resources engineer with extensive experience in irrigation and rural infrastructure management, will lead a team of 13 international and 18 national consultants in the implementation of the TRTA.

Aside from the Team Leader, PRIMEX will provide the services of the following international consultants: Irrigation Management Specialist, Hydrologist, Structural Design Engineer, Climate Change (Adaptation) Specialist, Economist, Financial Management Specialist, and GIS/MIS Specialist. The other international specialists will be fielded by Sheladia Associates, and the national specialists will be mobilized by CamConsult.
“We are extremely pleased with the successful outcome of our bid for this TRTA, not only because it is the third PRIMEX-led irrigation project in Cambodia, but also because it is perhaps the first time that we will be preparing the detailed design of an irrigation project under a project preparatory technical assistance project.”
Elvira Ablaza , PRIMEX President and CEO and Project Director
The two other water resources projects, where PRIMEX is the Lead Firm, are the Water Resources Management Sector Development Project (ADB Loan/Grant No. 2672-8253/0220 CAM [SF]) and the Upland Irrigation and Water Resources Management Sector Project (Loan 3289-CAM). In addition, PRIMEX is the Joint Venture Partner of Oriental Consultants Group (Japan) in the implementation of the JICA loan-funded Southwest Phnom Penh Irrigation and Drainage Project. MOWRAM is the Executing Agency (EA) for all these projects.
Cover photo: Dr. Jan Gerards with Mr Chann Sinath, Deputy Director General for Technical Affairs, Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology (MOWRAM) and Project Director, TA 9349-CAM