Name of Client:
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Length of Consultancy Assignment:
Start Date: May 2022
Completion Date: November 2022
Detailed Narrative Description of Project:
The knowledge and support technical assistance (TA) “Protecting and Investing in Natural Capital in Asia and the Pacific” (TA 9461) will build the business case and capacity of ADB developing member countries to invest in natural capital. The TA will support (i) analytical studies, including biophysical and economic assessments to identify and justify natural capital investments; (ii) preparation of investment components of projects; (iii) strengthening of legal frameworks and enforcement mechanisms for natural capital, including measures to address the illegal wildlife trade (IWT); and (iv) strengthening of knowledge and capacity for natural capital investments.
The TA requires the engagement of a national consultant to serve as a Knowledge Specialist. The objective of the assignment is to produce knowledge products (KPs) in the form of ADB publication (e.g., technical study, brief, working paper) based on the knowledge outputs generated under Components 1 and 2 of the TA on the subject of nature-based solutions (NBS). Under the supervision of the technical assistance supervising unit (TASU) officer, the consultant will produce high-standard KPs that are commensurate with other ADB publications and blogs about each KP.
PRIMEX fielded a Knowledge Specialist who will develop the KPs by reviewing, summarizing, editing, and formatting existing consultants’ technical reports on applying NBS to address urgent global and societal challenges such as climate change and increasing natural disasters. The consultant will also prepare blogs highlighting the key messages, approaches, findings, and good practices presented in the KPs. The consultant will also coordinate with pertinent departments, divisions, and peer reviewers in publishing the KPs following ADB procedures.
The expected outputs include the following: (i) A complete submission of a case study on NBS for flood-risk Management (ADB brief) based on the consultant’s report, “Final report Nature-based solutions in Philippine river basins”; and (ii) A complete submission of a working paper on NBS for climate change and disaster risk management based on the consultant’s report, “Operationalizing nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation and disaster risk management”. To produce the two outputs, the consultant will coordinate any additional inputs, approvals, layout, and design including researching photographs, proofreading, final signoffs, and uploading to and other relevant ADB platforms for dissemination. This involves following ADB procedures for official publication such as that of the DOC and SDCC.
In coordination with the DOC and Development Asia blogs teams, prepare three blog articles, highlighting the main points of the above KPs (one blog per publication).