Name of Client:
National Irrigation Administration (NIA)
Length of Consultancy Assignment:
Start Date: 20 April 2009
Completion Date: 01 January 2010
Detailed Narrative Description of Project:
The PPTA prepared the design of an investment project, which will improve agricultural productivity and production by: (i) improving irrigation services and institutional arrangements that increase the role of water users in system O&M; and (ii) upgrading rural infrastructure, including irrigation systems, roads, and postharvest facilities of selected irrigation systems in Mindanao and the Visayas. The PPTA was conducted in two phases: (i) agriculture sector and irrigation subsector analysis; and (ii) investment project design. Phase 1: Agriculture Sector and Irrigation Subsector Analysis has the following key activities: (i) identification, analysis, and prioritization of binding constraints in the agriculture sector with a major focus on staple food production and food security, (ii) analysis of sector policies and development strategies, (iii) conduct of a diagnostic analysis of the constraints on performance of irrigated agriculture and the role of irrigation in national food production; and (iv) evaluation of irrigation subsector development needs, and (v) preparation of a sector road map. Phase 2: Investment Project Design is formulating a sector-type investment project, including preparing and/or updating feasibility studies for core subprojects, and completing compliance and safeguard requirements and project packaging. Specific activities include (i) formulation of subproject selection criteria; (ii) undertake participatory subproject identification and feasibility studies for core subprojects; (iii) identification of candidate noncore subprojects, including potential for expansion of irrigated areas; (iv) prepare social and environmental safeguards and requisite action plans; (v) formulation of social development strategies and action programs for development of service areas and provision of agricultural support services; (vi) assessment of NIA implementation capacity and support requirements; and (vii) formulation of project packaging for implementation.
PRIMEX provided the services of an international project economist and 11 national consultants (institutional and capacity development specialist/deputy team leader [DTL], hydrologist and water resources specialist, irrigation design engineer, geodetic engineer, geotechnical engineer, irrigation agronomist, marketing specialist, rural sociologist, environment specialist, financial management specialist, and monitoring and evaluation [M&E] specialist. These specialists worked with the international specialists in the conduct of a situation analysis, issues identification, selection of project sites, governance assessment (financial management assessment and procurement capacity and risk assessment), feasibility study of the proposed project (including technical, marketing, financial, and economic viability assessment), environmental and social (including gender) safeguards preparation, and the preparation of the required TA reports (inception, midterm, draft final, and final). The PRIMEX international Project Economist and the DTL also assisted the ADB Team Leader in the preparation of the draft RRP including the Project Administration Manual (PAM) and supplementary documents. In addition, PRIMEX provided the local technical, financial and administrative, and logistical backstopping support required by the entire Consultant Team during PPTA implementation, including organization of technical and socioeconomic surveys, stakeholder consultations, and national workshops.