Name of Client:
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Length of Consultancy Assignment:
Start Date: 07 February 2018
Completion Date: 30 September 2018
Detailed Narrative Description of Project:
The TA prepared the design of an investment project that will improve the urban transport system in Bangkok, Thailand for efficient and safe movement of people and contribute to the achievement of the government's goal of supporting sustainable and inclusive growth. The ensuing project will develop the 23.6 km South Section (Purple Line) of the Bangkok Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), which runs between Tao Poon, the central zone of Bangkok, and Phra Pradaeng, south of the city center. The estimated project cost is $3 billion, including physical and price contingencies, and local taxes and duties.
PRIMEX fielding the International Environment Specialist, who: (i) reviewed environmental assessment documents and related reports that are readily available (MRTA EIA, feasibility study, detailed design, geotechnical studies, etc.); (ii) supplemented the baseline data collected during the preparation of the MRTA EIA, if necessary, using results of previous studies conducted by government agencies, universities and institutions and other organizations on air quality, noise, vibration, surface and groundwater quality, groundwater levels and flow directions, soil and sediment quality, cultural heritage, and other aspects that will be affected by the project; (iii) compared the results of environmental ambient measurements and predicted emission levels based on the National Standards or the World Bank Group’s Environment, Health, and Safety General Guidelines (2007), as appropriate; (iv) determined, within two weeks after mobilization, if an international hydrogeologist is necessary to enhance environmental assessment of underground sections of the Purple Line and ensure that impact assessment, mitigation, monitoring, and other aspects regarding hydrogeology are sufficiently addressed in the EIA; (v) undertook further public consultations as necessary, in coordination with MRTA, to ensure compliance with SPS; (vi) based on the results of the above tasks, prepared an EIA with an environmental management plan (EMP) including cost estimates in accordance with the ADB’s Safeguards Policy Statement (SPS) (2009); (vii) identified institutional strengthening requirements along with estimated budget to ensure proper implementation of the EMP; (viii) ensured that the EIA conforms to the ADB SPS (2009), particularly the Environmental Safeguards Policy Principles, Policy Delivery Process, environmental assessment requirements specified in Appendix 1 (Safeguards Requirement 1: Environment) and Annex to Appendix 1 (Outline of an EIA Report); (ix) presented the results of the EIA study to the Environment Community of Practice of ADB at the ADB Headquarters in Manila; and ix) finalized the EIA based on comments of ADB and the EA.