Strengthening the Capacity of Pacific Developing Member Countries (PDMCs) to Respond to Climate Change (TA 7394-REG)

Name of Client:
Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Pacific Region

Length of Consultancy Assignment:
Start Date: February 2010
Completion Date: January 2011

Detailed Narrative Description of Project:

This TA built upon a previous assistance to selected Pacific Developing Member Countries (PDMCs), which focused on mainstreaming of climate change risk management into country strategies and programs. This intended to improve ability and resilience of PDMCs to prepare for, and respond to, the challenges posed by climate change impacts through undertaking adaptation and mitigation measures. The primary output was the incorporation of climate risk management, adaptation practices, and mitigation measures into infrastructure (such as roads, transport and communication facilities, water supply and sanitation) and key sectoral investments, such as the marine, environment, agriculture, and tourism sectors. It enhanced the PDMCs' capacity in (i) planning for adaptation and undertaking measures and preparing for adaptation; (ii) adopting and implementing national climate change adaptation strategy and national action plans for climate change; (iii) formulating policies, plans, programs, and/or other actions to adapt to expected future climatic conditions; and (iv) harnessing opportunities through renewable energy development to reduce GHG emissions.

PRIMEX provided the services of an international Program Coordinator/Climate Change Specialist who was tasked to perform the following tasks: (i) management of the the operations of the Pacific Climate Change Program (PCCP) coordination unit within ADB’s Pacific Department (PARD), including the coordination and facilitation of financing mechanisms as well as assistance in technical, administrative, and finance-related matters; (ii) preparation of detailed work and financial plans on an annual basis; monitoring of the implementation of the activities under outputs 1–3 of the TA; (iii) identification of bottlenecks, issues, and constraints to TA implementation, and recommendation of solutions to identified problems; (iv) assistance in the provision of country-level coordination and communication, including the promotion of alliances with other development partners; (v) working closely with the national coordination units and national climate change focal points (NCCFPs) in implementation of the TA; (vi) provision of support in the organization and implementation of regional meetings, conferences, and workshops; (vii) assistance in setting up the criteria for the selection of countries to participate in the piloting of some of the TA activities; and (viii) preparation of regular progress reports to ADB and the participating Pacific DMCs. More specifically, the CC Specialist was tasked to (i) coordinate with the NCCFPs in the dissemination of the Pacific CCIP to the concerned government agencies in the Pacific DMCs, other development partners, nongovernment organizations, civil society groups, and private sector stakeholders; (ii) support the NCCFPs and other key stakeholders in the development of the national climate change adaptation and mitigation plans (NCCAMPs) and implementation strategies; (iii) lead in organizing regional workshops, conferences, and meetings related to NCCAMP preparation; (iv) guide and oversee the implementation of TA Output 2 (climate adaptation preparedness) by the consulting firm engaged by ADB; (v) prepare information packages on climate change adaptation and mitigation for dissemination to Pacific DMCs; (vi) design and coordinate a climate change related capacity development program for the Pacific DMCs, including training programs, study tours, exchange visits within and outside of the Pacific region on specific subjects; (vii) design and conduct various activities aimed at linking the NCCAMPs with ADB’s country partnership strategies (CPSs) and country operations business plans (COBPs); (viii) review and comment on the reports submitted by the various TA contractors; (ix) write concept papers for activities for possible implementation under the TA; and (x) prepare and submit an inception report, quarterly progress reports, and a final report on Output 1 activities for incorporation into the program coordination unit report for submission to PARD management.