A Workshop on Water Resources Management Sector Support in Cambodia was held at the Sunway Hotel, in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 11 August 2016 under the ADB-funded Uplands Irrigation and Water Resources Management Sector Project (UIWRMSP) (Loan 3289-CAM).
The workshop aimed to address geospatial information requirements and to demonstrate earth observation (EO) data utility in project implementation. It mainly consisted of plenary presentations by Dr. Pedro Chambel Leitão of Hidromod and small group discussions to answer a questionnaire prepared by Dr. Leitão.
The workshop was attended by 42 participants composed of officers and staff of the Project Management Unit (PMU) of the UIWRMSP; representatives of the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology (MOWRAM), the Provincial Departments of Water Resources and Meteorology (PDWRAMs) in Battambang and Kampong Thom, Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAFF); and local and international consultants of PRIMEX and CADTIS.
The UIWRMSP is supporting the Government’s strategy to enhance economic growth in the project area through the rehabilitation, modernization, and climate-proofing of selected existing irrigation systems in the provinces of Battambang and Kampong Thom.
Its outcome will be enhanced water and agriculture productivity in the project provinces, while its outputs are: (i) enhanced efficiency and climate resilience of irrigation systems; and (ii) improved management of water resources. The project is being implemented by MOWRAM, through a PMU under Mr. Chann Sinath, Deputy Director of the Farmer Water User Community (FWUC) Department, serving as Project Director.
The Joint Venture of PRIMEX and Oriental Consultants (Japan) in association with CADTIS (Cambodia) has been providing Project Management and Implementation Consultant (PMIC) Services to the Project Management Unit (PMU) since 15 February 2016. The PMIC Team is composed of 24 specialists (5 international and 19 national) led by Dr. Jose A. Galvez, Team Leader/Water Resources Management Specialist.