TNA findings on sustainable watershed management validated to ensure realistic training interventions

  • Watershed planning and management with combined climate change impact assessment and adaptation, disaster management, community organizing, and biodiversity development and management;
  • Agro-forestry and livelihood development considering existing and potential industries in the watersheds and with strong emphasis on business management;
  • Infrastructure planning and management including infrastructure planning and design for pre-, actual, and post- construction work program, infrastructure management with gender and indigenous people (IP), climate change, GIS, and community participation considerations;
  • Governance and mainstreaming with focus on leadership and organizational development, conflict resolution and partnership management, IP, gender, GIS, and community participation; and
  • Project development and management with resource mobilization to ensure that identified projects are implemented as scheduled.
  • Participants also recommended using different approaches in capacity development to match their needs. For mayors, they suggested study tours and benchmark governance practices’ sharing as an effective approach. Planning and technical groups need training in watershed planning and management with mainstreaming of gender and IP, GIS, climate change adaptation, and community participation considerations. They also requested training in project development and resource mobilization as well as documentation of best practices, social marketing, and communication. The NGOs and the private sector need capacity building in networking, strengthening corporate responsibility, program/project management, and promoting community participation in development. Finally, IPs and women’s associations will need training in awareness building activities, social preparation, watershed management training, agro-forestry/livelihood, and waste recycling project development with study tours for benchmarking, capital formation, resource mobilization, and market development.]]>